Do you know what artists are?

When I said I wanted to be an artist when I grew up, I was asked this question:
Do you know what artists are?” then eagerly waiting for the answer I hear “starving.”

So as many wishful artists do, I put down my paint brushes and set aside my dreams for a more practical career. I became a responsible member of society, got married, had a child and am raising a family. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life, and sure I have dabbled along the way, but never focused on art as a career. I have painted a few things here and there, some arts and crafts with the little one, hung a proud piece on the wall or posted it to social media…but for the most part that’s all it was.

Then one day the world shuts down. We are all scared, we are asked to stay in our homes to protect the nation. People are dying. Your world as you know it completely changes. So to stay sane I picked back up those paint brushes. Art classes have a whole new world…online. These classes not only occupied my time, they really reawakened my desire to be an artist.

I started to find a whole new playful and intuitive style within my art that I completely fell in love with.


Newly found online community.