Newly found online community.

So I was in my own little world, trying to stay healthy, and keep my family safe. All the while still deemed as essential, having to keep working and bring in an income. In all honesty it was a bit surreal.

My newly found art classes came with a bonus, an online community of other artists. With each class I took I was linked to another, places where we shared our art and feedback. As the pandemic continued many people were turning to online forums to stay connected. One of them was a very well respected artist and one of my personal favorites, David Lebatard, known as LEBO. He had a Facebook Live session called Pleasures & Treasures, where he was just hanging out talking and drawing. He had a few sessions of “Drawing the Universe with LEBO.” So I decided to participate in a few and created “You are Here” a fun painting of owls in space. These sessions also helped with the intuitive and playfulness I was finding in my new style. I was also meeting folks, in this new online world, that now call friends.

I shared this painting and a few others I had recently done on my social media pages and in some of the artist communities. I received very encouraging comments, a few folks even said “you should sell your work.” I was like really? Who is going to buy my work?

So…I set up an Etsy store with a couple pieces.


A complete stranger.


Do you know what artists are?