A complete stranger.

My Etsy store was up, I think I had 3 paintings in it. Just a trial thing to see what would happen, I didn’t even share it with anyone. Was not sure what would come of it or if I believed in myself enough to share it.

Then one day “bleep” I heard the chime of my Google mail and look down, it was Etsy, “You are Here - Owls in Space” has SOLD. WHAT?!?!? Really? OK. OK. what family member found me and bought it? But no…not a friend or family member. I sat there for a minute, honestly on cloud nine — someone I don’t know, in another state has bought my art. I was so excited, I packaged it all up all nice and tight and off it went.

The next day I posted a few more paintings and shared my Etsy site to my social media. I got a few more sales…from friends and family. While I don’t take that for granted at all, and am so happy my art is being appreciated. But its not quite the same as your first sale…to a complete stranger.


Back in the Studio


Newly found online community.