He believes in me.

I have gone to art shows and fairs since I can remember, always thinking to myself how cool it would be to actually sell my work at one of those shows one day. I shared this desire with my husband, and with his great way of putting things…he said “so do it.”

Instead I rattled off about a dozen reasons why I could never, from not having enough art to actually sell, to not having the proper equipment to properly display my work, to the concern of not being able to get into the shows. I know many of them a juried and some can take years to get into. You name it, I came up with it.

The holidays roll around and as I am opening my gifts, one a relatively smaller flat package, he just looks at me and says “no more excuses.” I then realize its a photo of a complete show set up, from the tent to the display walls. Of course I was so excited, and a little bit scared, but then I sat back and thought….he believes in me.

So now I have to do this. I wrangle up the nerve and some samples of my work and submitted the application for my first show. A few days later I got an email that they love my work and would be happy to have me. Its getting real now.


So many names.